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Monday, February 2, 2015

22 Home Remedies for Lose Weight Naturally

Learn how to lose weight naturally. Great for anyone who wants to drop a couple of pounds or make a complete life change...

In the Everyday Roots Book I begin the chapter on weight loss by stating that I believe there are only two ways to truly manage weight, through exercising and eating healthy. There simply is no magic shortcut, and while this may seem obvious to some people it is overlooked far, far, too often. Now you’re probably wondering, if diet and exercise are the only ways to lose weight, why did you write this list? Because there are still natural remedies and recipes that will help you reach your ultimate goal. If you use these in addition to eating better and getting some exercise, they can speed up the process. There are many different contributing factors to losing/gaining weight, so the below remedies cover a wide range.
Before you go on you should have a simple understanding of the process your body goes through when dropping the pounds. Fat (along with protein and carbohydrates) is stored energy, plain and simple. Calories are the unit that is used to measure the potential energy in said fats, carbs, and proteins. Your body will convert fat to usable energy through a series of chemical processes, and any excess energy (calories) that you don’t need will be stored away. To lose weight, you must expend more energy (or calories) than you take in. When you are using more than you taking in, your body draws on stored fat to convert it to energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. It doesn’t disappear; it simply changes form, like water to steam. While this is the basic process, you also have to take into account genetic and environmental factors. How well the above process takes place does vary from person to person.
1. Cinnamon Tea
Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight as it affects how hungry and how energetic you are (if you have energy you’re much more likely to exercise!) If your blood sugar is balanced you are less likely to have a disproportionally large appetite, and your body will be more apt to use fat (energy) rather than storing it. While debate about its effectiveness drags on, more and more preliminary studies are coming out showing that cinnamon can help manage blood sugar levels, so why not whip up a spicy cinnamon tea?
everyday roots book
Protect Your Family from Toxic Products & Medications
With 350+ Pages, you will be able to replace all of the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
-1 cinnamon stick
-8 ounces of fresh water
Place the cinnamon in a mug and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drinking 1-2 times a day.
Cinnamon Metabolism Tea
2. Green Tea & Ginger
Green tea has long been debated as a weight loss aid, and more research is needed to confirm or deny how well it works. While some studies have turned up nothing, others have identified three main components in green tea that could help manage weight-caffeine, catechins, and theanine. Caffeine is just an overall boost to your system, and speeds up a number of bodily processes, including metabolism related to weight (technically speaking, metabolism refers to any and all biological processes in a living organism needed to sustain life.)
Catechins are considered anti-oxidant flavonoids, and are superior in green tea rather than black tea due to a difference in processing (black tea is fermented.) While the mechanism is yet to be determined, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that catechins can help lower the absorption of lipids (fats) via the intestinal track. Theanine is an amino acid in green tea that can encourage the release of dopamine, the chemical that makes you “happy” and relaxed. If you tend to eat due to stress, this may be useful. It also counters the caffeine so you don’t get all jittery. The ginger added to green tea will help improve digestion and add a little flavor-no sugar or milk in this tea!
You will need…
-1/2 inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped OR ½ teaspoon ground ginger
-1 teaspoon of green tea
-8 ounces of fresh water
-Raw, organic honey (optional)
Place green tea and ginger in a strainer or sieve and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steeping green tea for too long can leave it with a bitter taste, so don’t exceed 3-4 minutes. You can stir in a little raw honey if you really need to sweeten it, but avoid milk or sugar at all costs. Drink 1-2 cups daily on an empty stomach.
Green Tea for Weight Loss
3. Rose Petal Water
The benefits of rose petal water are backed more by anecdotal evidence than anything, but that’s no reason to shrug off this mild yet refreshing drink. Rose petals act as a very gentle diuretic. Diuretics encourage your kidneys to put more sodium (salt) into your urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from your blood, decreasing the amount of water in your circulatory system. This is not “permanent” weight loss-just water weight-but the action encourages you to drink more and keep your system flushed clean and hydrated. Staying hydrated, believe it or not, can be hugely beneficial to losing weight.

You will need…
-Handful of fresh or dried rose petals
-Distilled water (roughly 1-2 cups)
-A pot with a tightly fitting lid
Note: Be sure, especially if using fresh rose petals, that they have not been treated with any sort of chemical (insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.)
Place the pot on the stove, put in the rose petals, and add just enough distilled water to completely cover them. If some float to the top it’s not a big deal. Cover the pot with a tightly fitting lid and simmer until the petals lose most of their color, about 15-20 minutes. Strain the liquid into a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. Drink about ½-1 cup every morning on an empty stomach.
Rose Water
4. Ginseng
Ginseng is any one of 11 perennial plants with fleshy roots belonging to the genus Panax. While there are different kinds of ginseng, the two that you should use –also the ones that have had the most controlled double-blind studies done on them-are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng.) While widely known as a stimulant to speed up a sluggish metabolism, that description doesn’t do it justice. Ginseng’s greatest quality is that it can help fight fatigue and boost energy as well as mental alertness (in a randomized double-blind study in 2010 290 cancer patients at the Mayo Clinic were given ginseng daily and it was found to fight even the crippling fatigue caused by chemotherapy.) This is huge when it comes to weight loss-without energy, it’s hard to exercise. Without exercise, it’s near impossible to lose weight-at least in a healthy way. In addition to boosting energy, there is tentative evidence that it can help manage blood sugar, which also affects energy levels as well as appetite.
You will need…
-1 teaspoon of chopped American or Korean ginseng
-8 ounces of fresh water
-raw honey/lemon to taste (optional)
Roughly chop the root and measure out 1 teaspoon per cup of water. Bring water to a boil and then pour over the ginseng, allowing it to steep for 5-9 minutes. Strain, add honey or lemon if you like, and drink 1-2 times daily.
5. Dandelion and Peppermint
Dandelion and peppermint tea is a fabulous drink that will help keep your liver healthy. The liver is an incredible organ. Not only is it the only way to truly detoxify your body, it is also plays a central role in many metabolic processes-a lot of which affect weight. In terms of fat metabolism, the liver is full of cells that break down fats and turn them into usable energy. These cells are also responsible for the flow of bile, which helps breakdown and absorb fats. In the metabolism of carbohydrates, the liver helps keep your blood sugar steady, therefore keeping energy levels up and regulating appetite. The list goes on, but the point is helping your liver helps your weight, as it plays a crucial role in managing fats and their absorption. Dandelion and peppermint both help your liver. Dandelion has hepatoprotection constituents, with hepatoprotection meaning an ability to prevent damage to the liver. Peppermint and dandelion both automatically stimulate the production of bile in the liver, helping with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Mix these two together, and you have a powerful liver protecting tea!
You will need…
-1 teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves
-1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves
-8 ounces of boiling water
-Lemon to taste (optional)
Pour a cup of boiling water over the dandelion and peppermint and steep, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink a cup twice daily. You can also make this with fresh dandelion leaves/roots and fresh peppermint, just use a rough handful of the fresh leaves for the amount. If you do use fresh, be absolutely certain that there have been no chemicals applied to them- this is especially important for dandelion. If you use dandelion on a regular basis, I suggest growing your own.
6. Sip on Sage
We live in a hectic world, and most of us are stressed about one thing or another on a daily basis. The thing is, our bodies weren’t made to handle constant stress, and it can have damaging effects on a wide variety of functions-including weight gain/loss. When under stress, the body releases cortisol, a steroid hormone that is part of the fight-or-flight response. Cortisol can effect blood sugar level (therefore appetite), and cause energy to be stored more readily as fat. Neuropeptide Y is a neurochemical that is also related to stress. When released, it causes growth of fat tissue (energy is stored easily as fat around the abdomen) as well as an increase in appetite. One way to fight this underlying stress can be to ingest more sage, which has calming effects on both the body and mind. Making a calming sage tea, or even just adding it in dishes you cook, is one way to help combat your stress levels.
You will need…
-A handful of fresh sage OR 2 teaspoons of dried sage
-8 ounces of boiling water
-Lemon to taste (optional)
Pour boiling water over sage and steep for 4-5 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink 1-2 times daily.
Sage Tea Remedy
7. Chew Gum
Chewing gum is a great way to trick your brain (and your stomach) into thinking it’s getting more than it is. The flavor of the gum reduces appetite and curbs the urge to snack on something unhealthy, and also stimulates the flow of saliva, whose enzymes help break down starches and fats.
You will need…
-1 piece of natural sugar free gum
When you feel the need to start munching, pop in a piece of gum instead.
8. Have a Routine (and stick to it)
Having a routine is, in my opinion, in the top three most important things you can do to lose weight, right up there with exercise and diet. If you don’t stick to a routine, you won’t see results, and you’ll be discouraged. Several years ago I saw a personal trainer and, after paying a decent sum of money, I figured out that it was the routine of going to see her made the biggest difference. It’s probably the single hardest thing you’ll do when you try to lose weight, but once those habits become hardwired into your brain, things will only get easier.
9. Just Add Water
Staying hydrated is an important aspect of weight loss that people often brush off-you don’t want to gain water weight and feel bloated right? Either that or you hear that you should drink ice cold water to burn more calories. Not exactly. The idea that ice cold water burns more calories because your body tries to “warm it up” first may technically be true, but the effect is miniscule (like 8 calories miniscule.) Rather, you need to be hydrated for your body to run smoothly, and that includes burning fat. It flushes bad stuff through your system, and also helps curb appetite. And don’t fret about water weight-if you are staying hydrated, your body is less likely to retain water since it simply doesn’t have the need to-similar to how eating more can make weight loss easier, within reason. I should also say-DO NOT BUY INTO SPECIALTY WATERS! Get your vitamins through your diet or supplements. Those waters are not better for you-in fact some are so loaded with flavoring and what not they rival soda.
You will need…
-8 ounces of fresh water
Drink at least 8 cups of fresh water every day.
10. Coconut Oil (as a replacement fat)
In the 1970’s and ‘80’s, saturated fats got shoved into the spotlight as the main cause for obesity. Coconut oil, being a saturated fat, was tossed along with the rest of them. The healthier alternative that we created? Trans-fat. One could say that backfired a wee bit eh? Coconut oil isn’t just any old saturated fat though; it contains unique fats called medium chain triglycerides that help you use energy (aka calories) more efficiently. MCT’s are indeed a saturated fat, but they are not the same as many of the other saturated fats we hear about-those fats are long chain triglycerides. Why does the length matter? Its chemical makeup is what determines how our body processes it and breaks it down. MCT’s are not broken down in the intestines, and therefore do not get stored away immediately as fat. Instead, they absorbed intact and sent right to the liver, where they are used as energy. Now sitting around eating coconut oil isn’t going to make you lose weight, but using it as a replacement fat can be a good choice. In addition to that, just plain coconut oil is an incredible appetite suppressant (it’s almost scary, actually.) Tack on that it can raise energy levels and you are more likely to get out, move around, and exercise.
As far as studies on it go, here are some that I mentioned in The Everyday Roots Book. In 2002 the Journal of Nutrition concluded that it can aid weight loss when used in place of long chain triglycerides. It was also shown to strongly curb appetite and it appeared to increase the burning of calories. In 2003 Obesity Research found that it may help burn calories, probably due to the fact that it boosted energy. In 2010 the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition also found that it could help boost metabolism and reduce appetite.
You will need…
-2 tablespoons of good virgin cold-pressed coconut oil
Twice a day, take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. You can take it before, during, or after a meal. If you tend to struggle with proportions, I suggest taking it before you eat, or if dessert is your demon, take it right after dinner. In terms of substitution I’ve used it in place of olive oil and love it.
Coconut Oil Helps You Lose Weight
11. Plain Yogurt and Honey
This is an awesome breakfast/snack. It’s one of those “I wouldn’t guess this is good for me!” type foods. The probiotics in yogurt do wonders for the digestive track and maintains a healthy balance of gut flora that optimizes digestion and the breakdown of certain substances (like fat.) When you digestive track is running smoothly, your body is processing things better and it’s not as likely to pack on the pounds. The honey is just a little added (healthy) sweetness to satisfy any cravings you might have. The beautiful thing here is that you really don’t feel like you’re getting shorted any flavor or fullness when you eat it. For optimum weight-loss awesomeness, try low fat yogurt.
Note: There was once a time when certain large companies began to add so much sugar to their yogurt the amounts surpassed those found in sugary breakfast cereal, like Lucky Charms. People were gobbling it up and wondering how it could be so tasty and good for you, when really the image and wholesomeness of yogurt was simply being abused. Read the nutrition label first.
You will need…
-1/2-1 cup of plain (not vanilla) yogurt
-1 tablespoon of organic raw honey, or to taste
Eat this for a snack or breakfast, adding on the honey for flavor. Feel free to try adding fresh fruit or even oats for a little variety.
Yogurt and Honey
12. Get Enough Sleep
Our body is a cohesive unit, a complex system, not just individual parts. Everything has to be working harmoniously for things to be balanced and correct-like your weight. Studies have shown that even just a little bit of sleep deprivation over the short time frame of 4 nights results in increased insulin resistance, and essentially ages the metabolism 10-20 years in that time frame. The fat cells sensitivity to insulin dropped by 30% to levels usually seen in people who were obese or diabetic. By getting the right amount of sleep, you’re doing more than just resting your body-you’re ensuring that all systems are go, and that you have the best chance possible to succeed at losing weight.
13. Black Pepper and Lemon Juice
This spicy little concoction contains black pepper and lemon juice to create a drink that can help you keep ahead on your weight loss battle. Black pepper contains a naturally occurring chemical compound called piperine, which is responsible for giving it its pungent flavor. Several new studies have shown that piperine can interfere with the genes that control the generation of fat cells, as well as reducing fat levels in the blood stream and enhancing the absorption of nutrients from our foods. Lemon juice can help aid in digestion and give your G.I. track a helping hand when it comes to breaking down foods.
You will need…
-Several sprinkles of freshly ground black pepper
-Juice of half a lemon
-Fresh water
Mix lemon juice with water and sprinkle in black pepper (about 3-4 turns of the pepper grinder.) Drink once daily after a meal.
Lemon and Black Pepper Drink
14. Bottle Gourd Juice
Bottle gourds are old-world hard-shelled fruits that anecdotal evidence suggests can help you lose weight. People who swear by it find that, due to its high fiber content, it creates a sensation of fullness and curbs appetite. It also has high water content (always a good thing) and has a number of great nutrients. If you do decide to drink bottle gourd juice, do not do so in such a way that you use it to “starve” yourself (see below.) Your body needs all the (good) food and nutrients it needs to maintain a balanced diet, however, it’s a great way to help resist cravings and potential snacking sprees!
You will need…
-1 cup of bottle gourd juice, chilled
-A little lime juice
When you feel the urge to snack, drink a glass of cold bottle gourd juice with a dash of lime juice added.
15. Eat More (and figure out why you’re eating in the first place)
Deprivation never works. It is a painful struggle that will almost always result in failure. Instead of starving your body of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, eat “more” good stuff. Break your meals down to 5 or 6 small ones a day to reduce snacking (which is when a good chunk of weight gain takes place for a lot of people) and to prevent your body from storing more fat-which is does when it feels “starved.” Also ask yourself why you’re eating in the first place-we so often eat out of boredom or nerves or stress. Wait until you feel a rumble and let your stomach tell you when it needs to eat.
16. Apple Snacks
An apple a day keeps the weight at bay! While not overflowing with nutrients like other fruits or vegetables, apples still have a number of benefits that can contribute to weight loss. First, they are packed with fiber, which helps curb appetite, so eat one when you feel the urge to snack on some less-desirable foods. Second, they can help regulate blood sugar levels, and therefore help regulate your appetite and energy levels. Third, the pectin in apples can lower cholesterol, and serve as another way to help regulate blood sugar, by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. Finally, apples are a naturally low-sodium food, which can help prevent excess water retention and water weight.
You will need…
-1-2 fresh apples
Rinse and slice an apple, and eat one to two daily. Leave the skin on, as that contains a good amount of fiber.
17. Add in More Asparagus
Pay attention to seasonal fruits and vegetables, and pounce on the asparagus when it comes along. Asparagus is nutrient dense and, like apples, contains a lot of fiber to help curb appetite. It also contains a host of vitamins that work together to metabolize blood glucose, therefore regulate blood sugar. If you find yourself feeling puffy or bloated, asparagus is a mild diuretic that can help reduce bloating and leave you feeling your best. Try eating asparagus steamed on the side of your favorite dishes-this vegetable doesn’t need much to make it taste good
You will need…
-1 bunch of asparagus
-some water
Wash the asparagus and lightly peel the stems if they are thick. Place in a pan with ½-1 inch of water, and cover with a tightly fitting lid. Turn the heat to medium high and steam for 3 minutes, or until the asparagus is tender and can be pierced easily with a fork.
18. Put Your Fork or Spoon Down Between Bites
Your brain lags behind your stomach by roughly 20 minutes, which ,means that it isn’t the best thing to rely on when it comes to letting your know when you’re full. To avoid over-eating, and thus consuming extra un-needed calories, slow down your eating by putting your fork or spoon down between bites. You might feel a little silly at first, but it can really help when it comes to managing your weight.
19. Snack on Flax
Flax seed has been known to help with digestive ailments for centuries, and this goes hand in hand with weight loss. Flax seeds are high in fiber, as well as mucilage, which helps lower cholesterol. It has also been proven to lower blood sugar levels. With such a high amount of fiber, flax seeds also act as a natural gentle way to regulate bowel movements and help promote healthy gut bacteria, both which work well to help you manage weight. It is important to eat flaxseed ground, as it tends to pass through the digestive track undigested if eaten whole, thus depriving you of its nutritional benefits.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
Once a day eat a tablespoon of ground flaxseed-sprinkling it over cereal or oatmeal if my personal preference.
20. Milk Thistle
Milk thistle contains active flavonoid compounds collectively known as simirilyn. Simalrilyn helps to protect the liver which is a vital organ when it comes to managing weight and encouraging weight loss. When your liver is bogged down and sluggish, weight loss can be slowed by up to 30%*. The simarilyn in milk thistle can help reverse this. There are several ways to take milk thistle, however I recommend a capsule form (make sure the source is reliable) or as a tincture, since milk thistle does not impart its benefits when steeped in water (such as when made into a tea.)
You will need…
-Milk thistle capsules or tincture
on the packaging for dosage.
21. Go Ahead, Eat That Chocolate
Remember deprivation hardly works? When you get the urge for a sweet treat, turn to dark chocolate. It will help curb your craving thanks to its insulin-resistance lowering flavonoids. The healthy fats in dark chocolate can also slow the absorption of sugar into your blood stream, preventing “insulin spikes.” Studies have shown that eating some can help put a stop to cravings for sugar, salt, and fat. However, the chocolate must be 70% cocoa, otherwise it has too much milk or sugar added to be beneficial.
You will need…
-70% dark chocolate
Directly after a meal, eat a piece of dark chocolate roughly the size of your thumb to glean its benefits.
Dark Chcolate
22. Join the Navy… Beans
Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you…lose weight? Apparently, since the protein in navy beans can take a while to digest, therefore reducing appetite and aiding in weight loss management. The fiber in navy beans can also help lower cholesterol.
You will need…
-1 cup of dried navy beans
-3 cups of water
Prepare the navy beans by adding 3 cups of fresh water to a pot for each cup of dried beans, so that the liquid level is about 1-2 inches about the beans. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce to a simmer, partially covering the pot. Skim off any foam that develops, and simmer for 1 to 1 ½ hours until tender. Add to a salad or enjoy as a dish on its own.
When you’re trying to figure out how to lose weight, know that there really is no magic thing that works for everyone. Yes, diet and exercise are vital, but people are different, bodies are different, and you have to take into account things such as genetics, health conditions, gender, and age. You might be glaring at your co-worker chowing down on donuts at the office while you pick at a salad and wonder how they manage to stay so fit when they eat whatever they want-but don’t let this drag you down. The journey is different for everyone, but there is always a way to complete it. And when in doubt, simplify the situation-eat good food, get proper exercise. We’ve turned eating and weight loss into a science that delves into such minuscule things we feel like we aren’t capable of eating right or losing weight without professional help. Assuming you have no outstanding condition that complicates the situation, you can reach your goals on your own! It may be difficult, but hey, that’s where things like these remedies can lend a helping hand.
-Weight isn’t everything. Muscle does weigh more than fat, and being fit and healthy is more important than being incredibly “thin.” Healthy looks good on you, and don’t forget it!
-Never underestimate stress as a cause of weight gain. The body cannot perform any function, including burning fat for energy, optimally when under stress.
-There are no super-foods. Don’t rely on one thing to help you lose weight-always maintain a balanced diet.
-Don’t eat before bed. Your metabolism slams on the brakes when you go to sleep, so eating at night makes weight gain tough to avoid.
-Get a buddy to make goals that the two of you strive towards. When you lose willpower or motivation, a friend can be all that stands between success and setback.
-Read a book called Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us In by New York Times investigative reporter Michael Moss. Just do it. It will give you something new and tangible to hold onto when you are trying to avoid junk food. At the risk of sounding corny, it actually changed my life.
-Along the lines of the first tip-manage your weight to be healthy, and ultimately, happy. Ignore images of perfect figures. Forget about the silly things society bombards you with, telling you what you should look like. To say that’s easier said than done is the understatement of the century, but do try to keep it in mind. When you are healthy, and happy, you truly glow from the inside out.

5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

allergiesRunny nose, itchy eyes, and the infuriating sensation of not being able to sneeze? Pollen count is on the rise as the weather warms up which means one thing-allergies. When it comes to home remedies for allergies you hear a lot about local raw honey preventing them. It is supposed to work because the gradual intake of local pollen will help build up your immunity before the symptoms start, thereby providing relief when the season actually hits. And while it does work for some people, let’s not forget that there are plenty of remedies you can try at home to help relieve the common symptoms of seasonal allergies. As a Minnesotan I intend to soak up every last bit of warm weather, especially after our brutal winter, and I’ll be utilizing a number of remedies to help fight any allergies dragging me down.
Love these natural remedies for allergies! They are so simple and so much better than taking medication.

1. Nettle-Peppermint Tea
Nettle has such a negative image, but it’s one of the most incredible herbs you will use once you add it to your repertoire. From relieving arthritis , lowering blood pressure, and (of course) helping seasonal allergies, it performs a wide variety of functions thanks to its (find property names.) The peppermint contains a type of flavonoid called luteolin-7-O-rutinoside which can help inhibit the activity and secretion of anti-inflammatory enzymes, such as histamines, and greatly reduce the dreadful discomfort that comes along them.
peppermint for allergy relief
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With 350+ Pages, you will be able to replace all of the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon of dried peppermint OR ¼ cup chopped fresh peppermint
-1 teaspoon of dried nettle leaf OR ¼ cup chopped fresh nettle leaf
-Honey and lemon to taste (optional)
-8 ounces of fresh water
It doesn’t get much simpler than this recipe! Place the nettle and peppermint in a mug and cover with boiling water. Steep them for 10-15 minutes, strain; add honey to taste, and drink 2 times daily as needed for allergy relief.
2. Bee Pollen
If local honey isn’t doing the trick for you, try bee pollen. The same concept lies behind how it works-starting in small amounts and gradually increasing the dosage daily will help build up your immunity to the pollen in your area. This is a play off what is known in medicine as “the hygiene hypothesis”, in which childhood exposure to germs and bacteria are vital to developing an immune system that can handle those same things down the line. Here you expose yourself to allergens before allergy season so your system doesn’t take a huge blow when the air fills with pollen. There are two vital parts to this remedy-first, make sure you are not anaphylactic or severely allergic to bees, or so allergic to pollen that you experience anaphylaxis. Second, get local pollen. This will not work unless the pollen is local, as you need to build up a tolerance to the plants in your area. You also need to make sure that your pollen is coming from a good source, and free from insecticides. There are 3 forms (granules, capsules, and powder) but I prefer granules. Bee pollen is crunchy, musty, and very floral-enjoy it plain or sprinkle some over yogurt or oatmeal in the morning!
bee pollen for allergies
You will need…
-LOCAL bee pollen granules
Start taking pollen 5 months before your allergies flare (so February if they start in May, for example.) Start with 1 or 2 granules under the tongue and let them dissolve or chew them. The next day increase the dosage by 1 granule. Continue this until you feel confident that you will not have a reaction (I recommend doing this for about 2 weeks.) If you experience no adverse reaction, you can take up to 1 tablespoon daily throughout allergy season.
3. Refreshing Citrus Drink
Since many allergies peak in the spring and summer, they happen to coincide with warm, sunny days that you want to enjoy by frolicking in the great outdoors. As healing as tea is, sometimes you just need that tart, cool, refreshing drink at your side. This citrus filled drink contains plenty of vitamin C, which can provide relief from seasonal allergies, thanks to its incredible ability to nourish the immune system. Since the immune system is struggling to function right when you experience allergies, the benefits of this are obvious!
citrus drink remedy
You will need…
-1/2 lemon
-2 oranges
-1 tablespoon of local, raw, organic honey
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and oranges and chill for several hours. Stir in the honey, add some ice cubes, and drink daily.

4. Red Onion Water
Onions contain a water soluble chemical compound called quercetin, which has been demonstrated in preliminary studies to reduce the amount of histamine produced by the body, therefore reducing symptoms of allergies. It is, essentially, nature’s version of an anti-histamine. Quercetin itself has also been shown to inhibit inflammation, as well as act as a bronchodilator, opening up airways and helping you breathe easier.
onion water
You will need…
-1 red onion
-4 cups of water
-Organic, raw, honey to taste
Thinly slice the onion and add it to the water. Allow it to infuse for 8-12 hours before drinking 1-2 times daily. It will keep in the fridge for up to 4 days. Stir some honey into individual glasses when you drink it if you like (I personally recommend it.)
5. Apple- Walnut Trail Mix
This mix will help you hit the trail in no time, without the sneezing and itching. Walnuts are a daily snack that you can enjoy to help ease allergy symptoms. High in magnesium, they help tamp down any wheezing or coughing that’s taking place, while their vitamin E content can boost immunity and protects your body from reacting to allergens. Apples, like onions, contain quercetin, and naturally reduce the production of histamine. Several studies have confirmed that an apple a day really does keep allergies at bay.
apple and walnut trail mix
You will need…
-1/2-1 cup of walnuts
-1 apple
Chop the walnuts and cut the apple into medium-small chunks. Place both in a bag and toss until thoroughly mixed. Feel free to substitute pecans or walnuts if you prefer. You can also add in some other little tasty ingredients if you like (I like adding dried cherries and sunflower seeds.)
-Be aware that line drying your clothes can contribute to allergies as all of the pollen sailing around sticks to it (and consequently, sticks to you.)
-If you simply must open your window, don’t fling it open all the way. Allergens will fly into the house and settle on everything.
-At the end of the day, briefly rinse off with cool water. Doing so will rinse any pollen stuck in your hair or on your skin off, and also ensures you don’t transfer a bunch to your bedding!
P.S. Take a look at the Everyday Roots Book. It's a Book that we created to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives. It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

3 Incredibly Easy Remedies to Help a Dry Nose

dry noseI’ve been on a kick doing home remedies to help with dryness lately because it’s an issue that is near and “dear” to my heart. Almost as bad as chapped lips is a dry nose-or more specifically, dried out nasal passages. As the weather gets cold and I find myself reaching for tissue more often, I am starting to feel the painful dryness set in. It gets so bad I just dread waking up in the morning. While many people turn for a little tub of petroleum jelly, I tend to steer clear of that-especially since you can end up inhaling it, which isn’t a good thing if you wind up with a glob in your lungs.
3 Simple Remedies to Help a Dry Nose- great to have for this winter!
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is simple, natural, effective, and it smells good. It also doesn’t glob like petroleum jelly does, so the risk of a big chunk getting sucked up isn’t there (although its solid at room temperature, it’s softened before use here.)
You will need…
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-1/2 teaspoon or so of virgin coconut oil
-Cotton swabs
-A small bowl
Place a half a teaspoon or so of coconut oil in a small microwave safe bowl and warm it until it is soft enough to be easily applied (about 10 seconds.) It does not need to be melted down into a liquid, and in fact should be left semi-solid. Dip a cotton swab into it and generously cover it. Apply to the inside of each nostril so that there is a good through coating. Apply up to 3 times a day (and always before bed.)
coconut oil
2. Steam Bowl
Allowing steam to fill your noise can moisten the mucous membranes that have become dried out and painful. This really helps relieve discomfort in the short-term, and also clears out your nose so you don’t have to blow it a bunch (which dries it out even more.) With each breath it’s like a warm comforting wave of moisture is sinking into your sore nose and making it feel better by the second. I usually follow this treatment with coconut oil about 15 minutes afterwards.
You will need…
-A large bowl
-A towel
-Hot water
Bring several cups of water to boil and then pour into your bowl. Place your face over the bowl (not too close though, as the steam can be quite hot) and drape a towel over your head and the bowl to trap the steam. Breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes, and then follow up 15 minutes later with an application of coconut oil. If you don’t feel like making up a bowl of hot water just for your nose, even inhaling the steam from a cup of tea or taking a hot shower can really help.
steam bowl
3. Almond Oil and Aloe Vera Gel
Almond oil is a natural emollient, or moisturizer, helping the sensitive skin in the nostril to become softer and more pliable, therefore lessening the chance that it will crack. It may also help lessen evaporation. Aloe vera can help soothe the dryness quickly, but it won’t provide the same lasting moisture as the almond oil. I use it mostly for the initial relief (I refrigerate mine) but you can stick to just almond oil if you like.
You will need…
-1/2 teaspoon almond oil
-1/4 teaspoon aloe vera gel (optional)
Thoroughly mix almond oil and aloe vera gel. Soak a q-tip in the mixture and swab gently inside your nostrils. You can also apply with a cotton ball that has been soaked, but I find this way to be slightly more difficult.
When I find my nose dried out and painful I tend to sink into despair. It sounds dramatic, but when it gets so dry it cracks and bleeds it can really be a downer. Before actually realizing I could probably do something for it, it felt like I had to suffer through the whole winter, but with the above remedies (that are truly about as easy as it gets) a dry nose is one less thing I have to worry about during these frigid months.
aloe vera and almond oil for dry nose
-Turn down the heat, turn up the humidifier. The heat will dry out the air more than it already is, while the humidifier adds moisture. This will also help if you wake up with dry eyes/a dry throat.
-If you are suffering from a nose dried out because you have a cold and have been blowing it too much, using a saline spray can help loosen up mucous and provide moisture/relief in a less harsh manner.
-Since it’s colder in the winter it’s easy to drink less water, but it’s just as important to stay hydrated. If you aren’t drinking enough, where will your body get the moisture to keep your nose comfortable?

7 Natural Cough Remedies for Persistent & Dry Coughs

Dry CoughIt’s never a fun situation when you have a persistent cough. You don’t want to be that person in a quiet room during a lecture that can’t stop breaking the silence with your hacking, or that person at the restaurant that makes people fling themselves over their plates to protect their food while you cough away. Or that person on the plane that everyone throws disgusted looks at. Coughs are just terribly uncomfortable all around, both physically and otherwise.
There are two primary types of coughs, dry and productive. A productive cough is one in which you are coughing up phlegm or mucous-this is not a cough that should be suppressed, as your body needs to rid itself of the gunk that’s in your chest/lungs. While it shouldn’t be suppressed, some of these remedies will address a productive cough by including an expectorant, or something that loosens mucous and makes it easier for the body to get rid of.
Get rid of your persistent and dry coughs with these effective cough remedies and homemade cough syrups…

A dry, hacking, cough is another story. This is one we do want to stop. It can be caused by allergies, dry air, a random tickle at the back of your throat that won’t go away, the aftermath of a cold, being in a dusty environment, etc. etc. For these we turn to demulcents, ingredients that soothe irritated mucous membranes and remove the irritant triggering the cough. Studies conducted in 2004 found that the main ingredients in cough syrup (dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine) have the same effectiveness in treating coughs as a placebo ingredient. Instead of turning to chemical solutions for every minor ailment, try some home remedies instead. They are not only better for you, but they taste a whole lot better than most cough syrup too!
1. A Spoonful of Honey
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Studies, such as one conducted at Penn State College of Medicine, have found that honey can work more efficiently to calm a cough than over-the-counter drugs. It is a rich demulcent, with a high viscosity and stickiness that does an incredible job of coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes. Thanks to an enzyme added by bees when they harvest honey, it also has antibacterial properties as well, which may help shorten how long you have the cough if it is due to bacterial illness.
Note: This is an excellent alternative remedy for both kids and adults, but should never be given to children under the age of 2 years due to the risk of botulism.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of organic, raw, honey
Take 1 tablespoon of honey 1-3 times daily as needed to control coughing. Take immediately before bed if cough is disrupting your sleep. For children, you can adjust the dosing to 1 teaspoon up to one tablespoon.
Raw Honey for Cough
2. Licorice Root Tea
Licorice root is both an expectorant and demulcent, simultaneously soothing your airways while loosening and thinning mucous, easing congestion. It can also ease any inflammation that may be irritating your throat. Its main constituent, glycyrrhizin, is responsible for most of its effects. 30-50 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar), it inhibits an enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (how would like you to write that on a name tag?) This enzyme regulates access of glucocorticoid (a steroid hormone) to steroid receptors, ultimately slowing the conversion of cortisol to cortisone. This increases the effect of cortisol and reducing inflammation. If you are on steroids, or have any problems with your kidneys, it is best to steer clear of licorice root.
You will need…
-2 tablespoons of dried licorice root
-8 ounces of fresh water
Bring water to a boil and place the licorice root in a mug. Cover with water and steep for 10-15 minutes. Drink the entire cup up to 2 times daily.
Licorice Tea Cough Remedy
3. Gargle Salt Water
Also a popular remedy for sore throats, salt water can ease the discomfort caused by a cough the same way it helps a sore throat-through osmosis. When the concentration of salt is higher outside of the cells in your mucous membranes, water flows out of the cells to balance everything out. When water leaves the cells, swelling goes down, and discomfort is decreased. If you have a cough that happens to come along with inflamed tissue, this is a good route to take. It can also help dislodge any phlegm that’s hanging out and allow you to expel it easily.
You will need…
-1 teaspoon of salt
-8 ounces of warm water
Stir salt into water until it is thoroughly dissolved. Gargle for 15 seconds, spit, and repeat with the remaining water. Rinse with plain water afterwards.
4. Steam, Steam, Steam!
I can’t say how underrated steam is when it comes to anything dealing with a cough, cold, or congestion. Not only does the steam quite literally loosen mucous and phlegm, almost immediately, but you can add numerous essential oils that will impart wonderful healing benefits. These benefits (anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory etc.) do become airborne, so you inhale them while you breathe in the steam. For this particular blend I’ve included both tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, which can help soothe and open your airways as well as help fight off bacteria or a virus.
You will need…
-3 drops of tea tree oil
-1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil
-A bowl of water
-A soft, clean, towel
Bring enough water to a boil to halfway fill a medium size-heat proof bowl. Pour the water into it, let it cool slightly for 30-60 seconds, and add the essential oils, giving it a quick stir to release the vapors. Lean over the bowl and get as close as you can while still being comfortable. Remember that steam can seriously burn! Use the towel to cover your head like a tent, trapping the steam, and breathe deeply. Ideally, do this for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day.
5. Tea Thyme
Thyme has been used for centuries, and was even used during one of the most devastating pandemics to take place in human history. The Black Death was a plague that peaked in Europe from 1346-1353. During that time, and in other incidents of the plague thereafter, townspeople would gather to burn large bundles of thyme to ward off the disease, or carry pockets of thyme on them. Indeed, thyme does have anti-microbial properties, but we’re not warding off any plague here-just your cough. Thyme relaxes the muscles of the trachea and bronchi, and also opens up airways. The result is less coughing, and increased comfort.
You will need…
-a handful of fresh thyme sprigs OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
-8 ounces of fresh water
-Honey or lemon (optional)
Lightly bruise the thyme, e.g. with a mortar and pestle, and then place in a mug. Cover with 8 ounces of boiling water, cover, and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Add some lemon or honey to taste, and drink the whole thing. Repeat 2-3 times daily as needed. It’s absolutely delightful just before bedtime (unless you aren’t a fan of thyme. But drink some anyways.)
Thyme Tea
6. Pepper & Honey
Black pepper is the world’s most traded spice, but most of its use is limited to the culinary world. What people don’t know is that it can make a great remedy for coughs that are accompanied by a lot of mucous or chest congestion. If you’ve accidently leaned too close to black pepper while it’s being grinded, you know it can make you cough or tickle your nose. This may not be fun on a regular basis, but it’s a plus if you need to expel all the nasty stuff that’s gunking up your lungs. The honey adds its antibacterial properties, and it makes it so the pepper isn’t too irritating. You can make black pepper “syrup” with honey, or a tea, as below. If possible, use freshly ground black pepper, as the pre-ground pepper simply seems to lose some of its punch.
You will need…
-1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
-1 tablespoon of honey
-8 ounces of fresh water
Place the pepper and honey in a mug and then cover with boiling water. Give it stir to disperse the pepper flakes and melt in the honey. Steep for 10 minutes, stir once more, and drink in its entirety. Repeat 1-2 times a day as needed to loosen mucous.
7. Ginger Peppermint Syrup
Here you get the soothing qualities of warming ginger, all wrapped up in a delicious easy to swallow cough syrup. Spicy ginger works as an expectorant, helping loosen and expel mucous from the lungs. It can also stop the painful tickle at the back of throat that can trigger a cough if the first place, if you are experiencing a dry cough. The peppermint will also help relieve the irritating tickle of a cough.
You will need…
-3 tablespoons of chopped ginger
-1 tablespoon of dried peppermint
-4 cups of water
-1 cup of honey
Chop the ginger and add it along with the peppermint to 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat so that the liquid simmer. Simmer until the liquid has been reduced by half, than strain. Let it cool slightly, and then stir in 1 cup of honey until it has been dissolved completely. Bottle and take 1 tablespoon every few hours as needed to ease your cough. Keep refrigerated for up to 3 weeks.
Homemade Honey Cough Syrup
-I cannot stress the importance of covering your tea while it steeps. Not only does it keep it piping hot, it traps all the steam and any of the volatile oils in the steam (and their benefits) in the cup for you to inhale when you uncover it.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

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