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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Treatments of Premature ejaculation

Common treatment options for premature ejaculation include behavioral techniques, topical anesthetics, oral medications and counseling. Keep in mind that it may take a little time to find the treatment or combination of treatments that will work for you.

Behavioral techniques

In some cases, therapy for premature ejaculation may involve taking simple steps, such as masturbating an hour or two before intercourse so that you're able to delay ejaculation during sex. Your doctor also may recommend avoiding intercourse for a period of time and focusing on other types of sexual play so that pressure is removed from your sexual encounters.

The pause-squeeze technique

Your doctor may instruct you and your partner in the use of a method called the pause-squeeze technique. This method works as follows:
  1. Begin sexual activity as usual, including stimulation of the penis, until you feel almost ready to ejaculate.
  2. Have your partner squeeze the end of your penis, at the point where the head (glans) joins the shaft, and maintain the squeeze for several seconds, until the urge to ejaculate passes.
  3. After the squeeze is released, wait for about 30 seconds, then go back to foreplay. You may notice that squeezing the penis causes it to become less erect, but when sexual stimulation is resumed, it soon regains full erection.
  4. If you again feel you're about to ejaculate, have your partner repeat the squeeze process.
By repeating this as many times as necessary, you can reach the point of entering your partner without ejaculating. After a few practice sessions, the feeling of knowing how to delay ejaculation may become a habit that no longer requires the pause-squeeze technique.

Topical anesthetics

Anesthetic creams and sprays that contain a numbing agent, such as lidocaine or prilocaine, are sometimes used to treat premature ejaculation. These products are applied to the penis a short time before sex to reduce sensation and thus help delay ejaculation. A lidocaine spray for premature ejaculation (Promescent) is available over-the-counter.
Although topical anesthetic agents are effective and well-tolerated, they have potential side effects. For example, some men report temporary loss of sensitivity and decreased sexual pleasure. In some cases, female partners also have reported these effects. In rare cases, lidocaine or prilocaine can cause an allergic reaction.

Oral medications

Many medications may delay orgasm. Although none of these drugs is specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat premature ejaculation, some are used for this purpose, including antidepressants, analgesics and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. These medications may be prescribed for either on-demand or daily use, and may be prescribed alone or in combination with other treatments.
  • Antidepressants. A side effect of certain antideph3essants is delayed orgasm. For this reason, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil) or fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem), are used to help delay ejaculation. If SSRIs don't improve the timing of your ejaculation, your doctor may prescribe the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine (Anafranil). Unwanted side effects of antidepressants may include nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and decreased libido.
  • Analgesics. Tramadol (Ultram) is a medication commonly used to treat pain. It also has side effects that delay ejaculation. It may be prescribed when SSRIs haven't been effective. Unwanted side effects may include nausea, headache and dizziness.
  • Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Some medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, such as sildenafil (Viagra, Revatio), tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca) or vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), also may help premature ejaculation. Unwanted side effects may include headache, facial flushing, temporary visual changes and nasal congestion.


This approach, also known as talk therapy, involves talking with a mental health provider about your relationships and experiences. These sessions can help you reduce performance anxiety and find better ways of coping with stress. Counseling is most likely to help when it's used in combination with drug therapy.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

How Do You Get Lymphoma Cancer?

Lymphoma cancer is the cancer of the Lymph cells and lymph nodes, which is the most common type of blood cancers. Lymph cells are also called as lymphocytes, and are present along the blood vessels.  Lymphocytes or the lymph cells are carried throughout the body through fluid, lymph. Lymphoma cancer occurs when the two types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells multiply or grow abnormally. Seldom any significant cause, is understood for lymphoma cancer, but a few risk factors are identified to have association with the disease. These risk factors can explain howyou get lymphoma cancer. Treatment of this type of cancer can be
promising at the initial stage, while for metastasized cancer, radiation and chemotherapy can be best solutions.

Causes of Lymphoma
No causes are known for this cancer. Genetics may be a prominent cause for the disease, which causes abnormal cell growth in the lymph nodes. Following are some causes and risk factors related to lymphoma.
As said earlier, genetics or mutation in the genes can be responsible for cancer. This mutation will not necessarily develop cancerous cells in the body, but certainly make a person more prone to develop cancer.
Carcinogens are certain types of substances such as solvents, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and benzene can be responsible to damage the DNA and its ability to function normally. Hence, it can lead to lymphoma
Immune Suppressing Drugs
A person may be recommended to have certain immune suppressing drugs, after an organ replacement surgery. Suppressing the immune system is a high risk of suffering from lymphoma cancer.
Viral Infections
HPV (human papilloma virus) infection is closely associated risk factor for many types of cancers and lymphoma is one of them. Viral infections with a few viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus, human T-lymphocytic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), Hepatitis B or C virus, and HIV virus is also a
risk factor for lymphoma cancer.
Bacterial Infection
A bacterium, with the name, Helicobacter pylori, is responsible for causing ulcers of stomach or gastritis. Such bacterial infections can also be risk factor to lymphoma.
Other Types of Cancers
Other types of cancers may also be related to triggering lymphoma cancer. Any person who has taken treatment for lymphoma earlier should also be alert for its recurrence.
Cancer of lymphocytes or white blood cells is called as lymphoma cancer and is a common type of blood cancer. Lymphoma cancer causes are not clearly understood, but the above given risk factors have been studied and confirmed to have association with this type of cancer. Avoiding such risk factors can be a preventive measure for this cancer.

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The unwritten rules of being a junior doctor/ 25+things you wished you knew before becoming a doctor

1. (And this is the most important) Never say the "q" word. The q word is the dirtiest swear word of the medical world. In the rare event your day is "Quiet" DO NOT SAY IT!! If you do utter the word then be  prepared to be blamed by all staff when seemingly every patient on the
ward becomes deeply unwell.

2. When referring a patient you can prepare your referral as much as you like and still guarantee the senior you are discussing with will ask that one aspect you forgot to look up such as the all important serum-rhubarb level.

3. Crash bleeps like to go off when you are in the middle of a procedure or breaking bad news

4. Crash bleeps like to get cancelled as soon as you arrive at the correct location having run from the opposite end of the hospital.

5. As per above "crash call cardio" is an excellent way of getting your recommended exercise.

6. The patients you get called to see with low urine outputs/ poor oral intake will probably have drunk and/or peed substantially more than you have during your on call shift.

7. You will have to make some truely awful referrals/ investigation requests at the recommendation of senior doctors (surgeons I'm looking at you) and by the end of your fy1 year you could probably make a decent second hand car salesman after the amount of shit you have been peddling to other specialities all year.

8. For the above the words "my consultant would like" absolves you from blame for crap referrals.

9. You will get blamed and/or shouted at for the crap referrals anyway.

10. A great ward sister/ charge nurse who likes you will make your rotation survivable. Doubly so if said nurse is also an avid ward baker.

11. You will just be finding your feet in a speciality when you rotate to the next one. Return to go, do not pick up 200.

12. The most difficult to bleed patient will also be the one who needs daily/ twice daily bloods.

13. You won't have to do a female catheter until there's a patient that none of the nurses can catheterised and then suddenly you are expected to be the expert...

14. If you are a female doctor then in spite of your stethoscope neck adornment and totally different dress code you will get called nurse by patients 85% of the time.

15. To misquote pirates of the Caribbean: Your finish times are more like a guideline...

16. However late after your shift it is if you are on the ward you will still be considered fair game by other staff for more jobs.

17. As soon as you have qualified (if not as soon as you have started medical school) be prepared to be accosted by nurses/HCAs/cleaners/catering staff/ friends/ family/ the cousin of the great great granddaughter the lady who lives 3 houses away requested you look at and instantly treat their rash.

18. All rashes look the same to an FY1

19. The treatment for most rashes is emollients and/or steroids anyway.

20. You will develop a robust stomach that cannot be touched by indigestion. This is because you will strengthen it by consuming a lot of your lunches either whilst fast walking between wards or while typing a discharge summary with one hand and eating with the other.

21. If you start reviewing a patient whilst eating lunch however you may have gone too far.

22. Most of your friends will be doctors.

23. You will spend a lot of your social time discussing medicine with other doctors.

24. On the rare occasion you manage to venture away from the medical crowd for socialising please see point 17. You will still find yourself discussing medicine...

25. Scrubs are lifesavers when laundry day came and went about a month ago.

26.  You will find a pair of comfy shoes and wear them to pieces as the thought of breaking in new shoes on the wards is unthinkable.  (In my case I wore my shoes until there was decent sized holes in the soles.  I only threw them away when I stepped in a patients vomit...)

27.  You will develop a creepy habit of staring at people with bulging veins and thinking "phwoarrr how easy would it be to cannulate that!"

28. Your patients will rarely have such veins.

80 + Things you wish you knew before you started medical school

So I've been looking at this site , which is great but very american and not always applicable to the english medical school system, so I've decided to slowly completely
plagiarise/alter/ add my own bits to this (I'll keep updating this post as I think of things. I think I'm a bit more optimistic than the original poster perhaps tho, so some have had a positive slant added to them!)

  1. People told you it would be hard, but at times you will feel they didn't emphasize this enough. At other times you will think that they (and me now!) are drama queens.
  2. You’ll study more than you ever have in your life.Only half of your class will be in the top 50%. You have a 50% chance of being in the top half of your class. Get used to it now.
  3. You don’t need to know anatomy before school starts. Or pathology. Or physiology.
  4. That Chemistry A level you had to take because it was "the most relevant a level for studying medicine"? Not relevant. At all.
  5. Third year rotations will suck the life out you. Fifth year ones might take your soul (so I hear, I'll let you know next year).
  6. Med-cest! Your year group will couple up, break up, and then re couple up differently. Gossip galore. Those with non medic partners are in a sad minority.
  7. You may discover early on that medicine isn’t for you.
  8. You will need to know how to make tea to order for GP rotations. That job in a cafe? Looking more useful now.
  9. You will become OCD about handwashing, if not you will be told off on many occasions by the nursing staff (rightfully).
  10. Despite all the early lectures you have about patients consent being clearly asked with regards to medical students sitting in on clinics, you will be in countless situations where you are pretty sure the consultant hasn't asked and you don't think the patient is comfortable with you being there
  11. You won’t be a medical student on the surgery rotation. You’ll be the retractor bitch.
  12. You often won't be a medical student on ANY rotation, you will be he/she who pulls the curtain.
  13. You will get really good at getting drug rep/ company free pens whenever you can but doctors are even better at "borrowing" them off you.
  14. If you added up all the time you waste waiting around for clinics/
    lectures/ ward rounds you could easily shorten the actual medical degree
    by a year.
  15. You will work with at least one smart arse senior that you want to
    argue with about the way they treat you and other medical students, but you will have to sit down and shut up.
  16. You will see staffs expressions of annoyance when you turn up and say you are a medical student.
  17. You’ll ask a stranger about the quality of their stools.
  18. You’ll ask post-op patients if they’ve farted within the last 24 hours.
  19. At some point during your stay, a stranger’s bodily fluids will most likely come into contact with your exposed skin.
  20. Somebody in your class will flunk out of medical school. Probably more than one.
  21. Several people in your year will date doctors during the course.
  22. After the first two years are over, your summer breaks scarcely exist. Enjoy them as much as you can.
  23. You’ll be sleep deprived.
  24. There will be times on certain rotations where you won’t be allowed to eat.
  25. The phrase "Reflective writing" will induce a pavlovs dog style response resulting in instant rage.
  26. There will be times throughout the course when you hate medicine and wonder why you are doing this.
  27. You’ll party a lot during the first two years, but that will reduce drastically once you start rotations....
  28. .... You will quickly learn than hangovers and ward rounds to not mix well at all.
  29. You’ll probably change your specialty of choice at least 4 times.
  30. You’ll spend a good deal of your time playing social worker.
  31. Nurses will treat you badly, simply because you are a medical student.
  32. Sometimes on ward rounds/ clinics you will start to seriously debate whether you have achieved the power of invisibility.
  33. You will develop a thick skin. If you fail to do this, you’ll cry often.
  34. Public humiliation is very commonplace in medical training.
  35. Surgeons are arseholes. Take my word for it now.
  36. It’s always the medical student’s fault.
  37. At least 5% of those in your year would happily push you over and walk on you on their way to try and get to the top.
  38. The woman at Lidl will give you a lecture about the medical risks of drinking too many energy drinks.
  39. Your house might go uncleaned for two weeks during an intensive exam block.
  40. As a medical student on rotations, you don’t matter. In fact, you get in the way and impede productivity.
  41. You’ll be competing against the best of the best, the cream of the crop. This isn’t school where half of your classmates are idiots. Everybody in medical school is smart.
  42. Don’t think that you own the world because you just got accepted into medical school. That kind of attitude will humble you faster than anything else.
  43. If you’re in it for the money, there are much better, more efficient ways to make a living. Medicine is not one of them.
  44. Anatomy sucks. All of the bone names sound the same.
  45. The competition doesn’t end after getting accepted to medical school. You’ll have to compete for decile ranking, awards, and f1 positions. When you specialise you will have to compete for that too.
  46. Close friends will claim they have done next to no work all year, you will be reasurred until you see their pages and pages of notes 1 week before exams start.
  47. Your fourth year in medical school will be like a vacation compared to the first three years. It’s a good thing too, because you’ll need one. (This depends on medical school however....)
  48. Somebody in your class will be known as the “highlighter whore.” Most often a female, she’ll carry around a backpack full of every highlighter color known to man. She’ll actually use them, too.
  49. Rumours surrounding members of your class will spread faster than they did in school.
  50. Rumours about the course will spread faster still - "haven't you heard the medical school HAS to fail 20% because the year is too big?!"
  51. You’ll meet a lot of cool people, many new friends, and maybe your husband or wife.
  52. No matter how bad your medical school experience was at times, you’ll still be able to think about the good times.
  53. Most questions at the end of lectures come from the post-grad students.
  54. There will be at least one person in your year who scarcely has the social skills to say his own name, no one knows how they got through the interview process.
  55. At the beginning of first year, everyone will talk about how cool it’s going to be to help patients. At the end of third year, everybody will talk about how cool it’s going to be to make a lot of money.
  56. By fourth year you are virtually having weekly conversations about how you will spend your first pay check.
  57. The attractiveness of being a GP with its good pay and short hours is positively correlated to your year at medical school
  58. Telling local boys/girls at the bar that you’re a medical student doesn’t mean shit. They’ve been hearing that for years. Be more unique.
  59. The money isn’t really that good in medicine. Not if you look at it in terms of hours worked.
  60. Don’t wear your hospital id badge into a petrol station, or any other business that has nothing to do with you wearing a white coat. You look like an ass, and people do make fun of you.
  61. Dont steal patients for presentations that you know other students are going to use and actually clerked! You will quickly be known as one of that 5% that would push their own gran in front of a bus if they thought it would help their career somehow.
  62. Stick to the back of the ward round parade unless offered to come forward and get a better view of the patient, we've not earnt a right to be at the front yet.
  63. If you piss off your F1, he or she can make your life hell.
  64. Make the most of all the opportunity universities have - don't forget you are at university rather than just medical school, don't be afraid to step out of that medical school bubble occasionally.
  65. Your family members will ask you for medical advice, even after your first week of first year. By your third year onwards they start to worry if you don't know the answer.
  66. Many of your friends will go onto great jobs and fantastic lifestyles. You’ll still be at university eating (asda smart price) pot noodles.
  67. It’s amazing how fast time flies on your days off. It’s equally amazing at how slow the days are on a rotation you hate.
  68. No matter what specialty you want to do, somebody on an unrelated rotation will hold it against you. You will probably starting lying to make your future career match your current rotation...
  69. Sitting around in a group and talking about ethical issues involving patients is not fun. But you will have to do it a lot.
  70. You will probably do more role play than the students studying drama do, and you will become adept at playing the role of a sick patient for ocse practice.
  71. Find new ways to study. The methods you used in college may or may not work. If something doesn’t work, adapt.
  72. Hospitals smell bad.
  73. Occasionally a doctor or nurse will offer you a cup of tea or coffee, that person will become your new god.
  74. Subjective evaluations are just that – subjective. They aren’t your end all, be all so don’t dwell on a poor evaluation. The person giving it was probably an asshole, anyway.
  75. Some physicians will tell you it’s better than it really is. Take what you hear (both positive and negative) with a grain of salt.
  76. 90% of surgeons are assholes, and 63% of statistics are made up. The former falls in the lucky 37%.
  77. During the summer before medical school starts, do not attempt to study or read anything remotely related to medicine. Take this time to travel and do things for you.
  78. Vaginal deliveries are messy. So are c-sections. It’s just an all-around blood fest if you like that sort of thing.
  79. Despite what the faculty tell you, you don’t need all of the fancy equipment that they suggest for you to buy. All you need is a stethoscope. The other equipment they say you “need” is standard in all clinic and hospital exam rooms. If it’s not standard, your training
    hospital and clinics suck.
  80. Don't buy textbooks before you start medical school, and don't buy everything on the reading list then, most librarys are perfectly adequate for textbooks you may only ever use a couple of times. Wait till you know what the core books you use are.
  81. There will be several people in your year who will seem to be doing some form of "gotta catch 'em all" for committee positions and extra curricular activities.
  82. There will be at least one person in your year who seems to be doing the same for STI's ...
  83. By fourth year suddenly everyone will be talking about publications they have got or presentations they are giving at national conferences. If you are not one of these people you simply won't understand how everyone has managed this.
  84. Don't let your decile ranking within the medical school affect your self worth!
  85. Avoid surgery like the plague.
  86. You may have gone into medicine "to help people" but sometimes the only way to do that is to carry out procedures which cause them pain and make you feel like an utter b**t**d, you'd better be prepared for that too.
  87. Reflection will now longer be just the thing you see in the mirror but a word that fills you with dread.
  88. Read this, and the linked american version, now, throughout medical school, and then after you’re done. Then come back and say how right all this is. (I read the american version early in medical school, and now again now as a fourth year, got to say, its definitely looking pretty right!).

Friday, December 5, 2014

U.S. Professor Says Ebola Is LAB-CREATED Bioterrorism Experiment



PROVIDE FOR IT." ---- Patrick Henry

U.S. Professor Tells Africans Ebola Is Bioterrorism Experiment

A U.S.
professor of plant pathology is suggesting to West Africans that the
Ebola virus is a bioterrorism weapon developed by the U.S. being used on

The essay, published by Dr. Cyril Broderick in the influential Liberian
newspaper the Daily Observer, comes on the heels of an announcement by
the U.S. that it will be sending 3,000 troops to help contain the spread
of Ebola.

He also alleges
that various sites in West Africa have been set up over the years to
test emerging diseases, including Ebola, with part of the purpose to
test vaccinations. There are currently a number of experimental
treatments for Ebola victims being tested in the U.S. on a handful of
medical and aid workers who have returned from Africa with the virus for
treatment. The most recent patient, Rick Sacra, was an Ebola patient
released from a Nebraska hospital on Thursday.


many reports also conclude that the U.S. government has a viral fever
bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of
the Ebola outbreak in West Africa,” he added.   

Broderick listed research into Ebola and similar viruses conducted in
West Africa, and Liberia, by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases, “a well-known centre for bio-war research, located
at Fort Detrick, Maryland;” Tulane University through the National
Institutes of Health; the Centers for Disease Control; Doctors Without
Borders; UK-based GlaxoSmithKline; and the Kenema Government Hospital in
Kenema, Sierra Leone.

The CDC owns the patent on the Ebola vaccine! 

HOW can the CDC own the patent on Ebola? 


Ebola vaccines would financially benefit both the CDC and wealthy drug companies.

Dave Hodges at The Commonsense Show website has published a detailed article on the ownership of Ebola vaccines. In
an article entitled The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On
Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near,
Hodges "follows the money" and reveals how Ebola vaccines would
financially benefit both the CDC and wealthy drug companies.

The U.S. Dept. of Justice has proven that U.S. drug companies, for example, routinely engage in conspiracies against the public.


“There is no natural disease called Ebola,” according
to Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, minister of health and human services for
the Nation of Islam. He called Ebola a “weaponized virus” rooted in
chemical and biological weapons research by Germany in the 1930s and
perfected in the United States. It is a weapon that can be used to
depopulate, weaken and dominate nations, he said.

Others postulate that
the U.S. or Russia released Ebola to initiate a desired depopulation
agenda, hoping to reduce world population by half. 

In an interview conducted in 2007, a prominent Russian scientist who defected to the United States told PBS Frontline that Ebola is just one of many genetically engineered bioweapons:

Dr. Kanatjan
Alibekov was the former First Deputy Director of Biopreparat from 1988
to 1992. Biopreparat was the Soviet Union's biological weapons program.
Alibekov defected from the Soviet Union and moved to Washington, DC in
1992... In the 70s and beginning of 80s the Soviet Union started
developing new biological weapons -- Marburg infection biological
weapon, Ebola infection biological weapon, Machupo infection, [or] Bolivian hemorrhagic biological weapon, and some others.

The U.S. Dept.
of Defense mirrors all biological weapons developed by the Russians, of
course. And as the theory goes, they need to be tested somewhere to see
just how well they work. Why not target a bunch of rural Africans? After all, that's what Pfizer did with its own vaccine experiments that killed African children.

Africa has been the target for a LOT of things!


As John
Rappoport rightly points out, the CDC and White House both have a long
history of lying about infectious diseases in order to cause precisely
the kind of panic that results in record vaccine sales. 

The history of the great swine flu hoax from a few years back is a perfect example: 

The CDC and WHO conspired to
declare it a stage six pandemic while the CDC committed scientific
fraud by fabricating pandemic numbers which were released to the media.
This resulted in billions of dollars in profits for vaccine
manufacturers, all by design.

We now know that most of the people who were counted by the CDC as dying from swine flu actually died from the regular flu. And since that time, we've also learned that a top CDC scientist has now openly admitted to a conspiracy of scientific fraud at the CDC, whereby the agency deliberately altered study data to hide any link between vaccines and autism. 

A video has also been released revealing how CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson was ordered to lie about the cover-up by CDC officials. View that video here.

Given this evidence, it is entirely credible to suspect that the CDC might invent any lies
that serve its aims and goals. Just like any government agency, the CDC
is primarily interested in gaining power and authority while boosting
its budgets and payroll bonuses. Not surprisingly, the CDC has no doubt
figured out that staging false flag threats is the easiest way to expand
its budget and power. And since nobody can actually see a virus, it's
the perfect false flag because the CDC is the "authority" on what
happened. So the agency can simply invent a pandemic and invent all the
clinical fraud to back it up. (Hospitals around the country send samples
to the CDC for diagnosis during a pandemic. The CDC can simply declare
all samples to be positives and thereby quack up some "scientific
evidence" for an outbreak.)


particular strain of Ebola is different from anything seen before in the
history of Ebola outbreaks. It's mutating far faster than any other
Ebola strain.

Here are three quotes harvested from recent news reports that support this theory:

"This is
different than every other Ebola situation we've ever had. It's
spreading widely, throughout entire countries, through multiple
countries, in cities and very fast." - Vincent Martin, head of an FAO
unit in Dakar, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization

"The current
Ebola virus's hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more
human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely
occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years." - Michael T. Osterholm,
director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the
University of Minnesota, printed in the New York Times on Sep. 11, 2014

"It is
impossible to keep up with the sheer number of infected people pouring
into facilities. In Sierra Leone, infectious bodies are rotting in the
streets." - Dr. Joanne Liu, the international president of Doctors
Without Borders (

It's clear from the behavior of the virus that this is no ordinary Ebola.
This is, crudely stated, a "super Ebola strain" which has already
out-evolved and outpaced all the efforts in the world to stop it.

are “stories of the U.S. Department of Defense funding Ebola trials on
humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in
Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This
research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the
deadly Ebola virus,” according to Dr. Cyril Broderick, a professor of
plant pathology at Delaware State University and a Liberian national.
His thoughts were contained in a piece published in an online edition of
The Daily Observer, a newspaper in Monrovia.

Abandoned vials
labeled "dengue," "influenza," and "Q fever" were among those
discovered inside 12 boxes sitting in the corner of a cold storage room
at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) facility in Maryland, sparking outrage over the government's poor handling of potentially pandemic diseases.

NIH, for anyone keeping track, is the same federal agency that funded
the heinous medical experiments on Guatemalan prisoners
for which President Obama was recently forced to apologize. 

The U.S. media
quickly buried this story, but it's an historical fact that the United
States government has a long track record of using helpless citizens of
poor countries as human guinea pigs in deadly medical experiments.

The search for a killer virus like AIDS or Ebola began decades ago!
you will find proof of all kinds of horrific human experimentation by
the U.S. on unsuspecting subjects, and you may have been one of them...I



estimate that some time in the early 1900s a form of simian
immunodeficiency virus, SIV, was transmitted to humans in central
Africa. The mutated virus was later identified as the first of other
human immunodeficiency viruses, HIV-1.


X-ray showing infection with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

The first known
case of HIV in a human occurs in a man who died in the Congo, later
(from his preserved blood samples) confirmed as having HIV infection .

The authors of
the study did not sequence a full virus from his samples, writing that
"attempts to amplify HIV-1 fragments of >300 base pairs (bp) were
unsuccessful ... However, after numerous attempts, four shorter
sequences were obtained"; these represented small portions of two of the
six genes of the complete HIV genome


HIV-2, a viral
variant found in West Africa, is thought to have transferred to people
from sooty mangabey monkeys in Guinea-Bissau during this period.


Jerome Horwitz
of Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and Wayne State University
School of Medicine synthesize AZT under a grant from the US National
Institutes of Health (NIH). AZT was originally intended as an anticancer


Genetic studies
of the virus indicate that, in or about 1966, HIV first arrived in the
Americas, infecting one person in Haiti. At this time, many Haitians
were working in Congo, providing the opportunity for infection.


A 2003 analysis
of HIV types found in the United States, compared to known mutation
rates, suggests that the virus may have first arrived in the United
States in this year.[6] The disease spread from the 1966 American
strand, but remained unrecognized for another 12 years.


A St. Louis
teenager, identified as Robert Rayford, dies of an illness that baffles
his doctors. Eighteen years later, molecular biologists at Tulane
University in New Orleans test samples of his remains and find evidence
of HIV.


Gaëtan Dugas
becomes sexually active. Although he was proved to not be patient zero
in the context of his partners he was with in the late 1970s, presenting
with Kaposi's Sarcoma in 1982 suggests he may have been infected as
early as 1972.


The first reports of wasting and other symptoms, later determined to be AIDS, are reported in residents of Africa

The daughter of Arvid Noe dies in January 1975.


Norwegian sailor Arvid Noe dies; it is later determined that he contracted HIV/AIDS in Africa during the early 1960s.


Danish physician Grethe Rask dies of AIDS contracted in Africa.

A San Francisco
prostitute gives birth to the first of three children who were later
diagnosed with AIDS. The children's blood was tested after their deaths
and revealed an HIV infection. The mother died of AIDS in May 1987. Test
results show she was infected no later than 1977.

Gaetan Dugas
gets legally married in Los Angeles in order to get citizenship. He
stays in Silver Lake, a section of Los Angeles, whenever he is in town.


A Portuguese
man known as Senhor José (English: Mr. Joseph) dies; he will later be
confirmed as the first known infection of HIV-2. It is believed that he
was exposed to the disease in Guinea-Bissau in 1966.


An early case
of AIDS in the United States was of a female baby born in New Jersey in
1973 or 1974. She was born to a sixteen-year-old girl, an identified
drug-injector, who had previously had multiple male sexual partners. The
baby died in 1979 at the age of five. Subsequent testing on her stored
tissues confirmed that she had contracted HIV-1



April 24, San
Francisco resident Ken Horne, the first AIDS case in the United States
to be recognized at the time, is reported to the Center for Disease
Control with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). He was also suffering from

October 31,
French-Canadian flight attendant Gaëtan Dugas pays his first known visit
to New York City bathhouses. He would later be deemed "Patient Zero"
for his apparent connection to many early cases of AIDS in the United

December 23,
Rick Wellikoff, a Brooklyn schoolteacher, dies of AIDS in New York City.
He is the 4th US citizen known to die from the disease.


Is it
"conspiracy theory" to question whether a virus "closely related" to HIV
was created in any of the many laboratories contributing to the Special
Virus Cancer Program and its connection to biowarfare research during
the 1970s? Could covert human testing of classified biowarfare agents
explain the exclusive "introduction" of HIV into gay men, the most hated
minority in America, via the government-sponsored experimental
hepatitis B experiments that began in Manhattan in New York City in 1978
-- the year before the onset of the "gay plague."

In 1979 the
first young white gay men to come down with "gay-related
immunodeficiency disease" was reported to the CDC. For the first year of
the epidemic all the men were from Manhattan. They were all defined as
young, predominantly white, previously healthy, well-educated and

The Manhattan
men were similar in profile to the 1,083 gay men who signed up for the
hepatitis B experiment conducted at the New York Blood Center, also
located in Manhattan. The experimental vaccine was developed in
chimpanzees. The injections began in November 1978, and were concluded a
year later. Similar vaccine experiments in gay men were undertaken in
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis and Chicago, beginning in
March 1980 and continued until October 1981, a few months after the
epidemic had become "official." (For more details, google: the hepatitis
B vaccine experiment.)

AIDS became
official in the U.S. in June 1981. At the time AIDS was unknown in
Africa, and the epidemic did not begin there until autumn 1982 at the
earliest. After Gallo discovered HIV in April 1984, an HIV blood test
was developed and was used on the stored gay blood specimens deposited
at the Center as part of the ongoing experiment and follow-up. In 1980, a
year before the epidemic became official, already 20% of the men's
blood in the experiment were HIV-positive. By 1983, 30% of the men were
positive; by 1984, 40%.

AIDS scientists
repeatedly claim HIV was lurking in Africa for decades, centuries, even
millennia, before the epidemic. But there was no "incubation period" in

As soon as
large numbers of gay people came out of the closet and signed up for
government experiments, the gay community was doomed. Not only was one
virus (HIV) "introduced" into the homosexual population, but two
additional "mycoplasma" bacteria-like agents and a new herpes virus as
well. In addition, "cancer-causing bacteria" were also operative in
AIDS, but all research linking AIDS to cancer remains ignored by the
AIDS establishment. (For full details and 458 citations: google: "alan
cantwell" +bacteria +AIDS.)

 "Gay Cancer": A mystery wrapped in an enigma

In 1993,
Shyh-Ching Lo of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology reported the
finding of 2 different infectious agents in the blood, urine and KS
tumors of AIDS patients. At first, he thought the microbes were viruses,
but later determined they were actually very small forms of bacteria
called "mycoplasmas." After Lo's discovery, the Army quickly took out
patents on his infectious agents, which he calls Mycoplasma fermentens
and M. penetrans. My KS research was never mentioned in any of his
In 1994, a new
infectious and sexually-transmitted herpes virus called "human herpes
virus-8" was proclaimed to be the agent causing all pre-AIDS and
AIDS-related KS. This virus is now widely accepted as the sole cause. I
thought it rather strange that there was never any evidence that KS was
transmissible before AIDS, and that a "new" virus could cause a rare
cancerous disease that has been around since the 1870s.

Whatever the
theoretical origin of HIV/AIDS, there is no doubt that the epidemic
started a decade after scientists began "adapting" massive numbers of
cancer-causing and immunosuppressive animal viruses and transferring
them between various animal species in an attempt to experimentally
produce cancer in the laboratory. In the process of these
"species-jumping" experiments, the scientists mixed viruses together,
seeded them into the bodies of various animal species, and planted them
into animal and human cell cultures. In the process myriads of new,
laboratory-created mutant, hybrid and recombinant viruses were created,
some of which were exceedingly dangerous.

engineered and deadly viruses were obviously of interest to biowarfare
scientists. Donald A MacArthur stated in Congressional testimony in 1969
that "molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and
eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it
would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that
does not exist naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could
have been acquired."

The dangers
provoked by all these laboratory-created new virus were well known. At a
symposium on leukemia research in 1973, Danish pathologist J Clemmesen
warned that the transmissibility of these genetically -altered viral
agents could cause a world epidemic of cancer if they escaped from the
laboratory. (Gallo has publicly stated AIDS is an epidemic of cancer.)
That same year cancer virologists convened at a conference entitled
"Biohazards in Biological Research" at Asilomar, California. Despite the
risks, it was decided to continue perilous animal cancer virus

People are
often surprised to find there is a close relationship between
traditional cancer virus research and biological warfare programs and
experimentation. However, it is a fact that in 1971 President Richard
Nixon, as part of his War On Cancer, combined the U.S. Army's biowarfare
department at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, with the National Cancer
Institute. The army's DNA and genetic engineering programs were
coordinated into anti-cancer research and molecular biology programs.
This marriage also cemented the governmental ties of cancer research to
the CIA, the CDC, the World Health Organization, and private industry.

During this
same period the Special Virus Cancer Program (1968-1980), now largely
and conveniently forgotten, was established to coordinate the search for
cancer-causing viruses. The U.S. biological warfare program is highly
secret. This secrecy also surrounds the many scientists who directly or
indirectly contribute to the program. Naturally, there is no complete
record of what this Virus Cancer Program has achieved or what
cancer-causing and immunosuppressive animal cancer viruses were adapted
for biological warfare use and for covert military testing on human
populations.(For more details and 129,000 citations, go to and type-in key words : biological warfare human

The chimp in the freezer at Fort Detrick




On February 1, 1999 Lawrence K Altman, M.D, longtime AIDS-writer for The
New York Times, dutifully reported "the riddle of the origin of the
AIDS virus has apparently been solved." A team of researchers, headed by
Beatrice Hahn at the University of Alabama, performed viral studies on
three chimps in the African wild and studied the frozen remains of a
chimp, discovered by accident in a freezer at the Army's biowarfare center at Fort Detrick.
The chimp had tested positive for HIV in 1985. On the basis of this
research, Hahn declared that a common subspecies of chimp (Pan
troglodytes troglodytes) was the animal source of the virus "most
closely" related to HIV. In a media blitz U.S. government scientists
presented a phylogenetic ancestral "family tree" of primate viruses
(which few people could understand) to prove that HIV was genetically
descended from a chimp virus in the African bush.

During World War II, Camp Detrick and the USBWL became the site of intensive biological warfare (BW) research using various pathogens. This research was originally overseen by pharmaceuticals executive George W. Merck and for many years was conducted by Ira L. Baldwin,
professor of bacteriology at the University of Wisconsin. Baldwin
became the first scientific director of the labs. He chose Detrick Field
for the site of this exhaustive research effort because of its balance
between remoteness of location and proximity to Washington, DC – as well
as to 
Edgewood Arsenal,
the focal point of U.S. chemical warfare research. Buildings and other
facilities left from the old airfield – including the large hangar –
provided the nucleus of support needed for the startup. 


viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans, but most of the
viruses that affect animals don't affect humans. There are exceptions,
of course, such as yellow fever and small pox. 

are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer in those
animals, but do not affect man or other animals. The bovine leukemia
virus (BLV), for example, is lethal to cows but not humans. There is
another virus that occurs in sheep called sheep visna virus which is
also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses are "retro viruses"
meaning that they can change the genetic composition of cells that they

World Health Organization, in published articles, called for scientists
to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus
that would be deadly to humans:
attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective
effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that
the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting
virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the
That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is,
"Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency."
would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the T-cell system of man
you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible that the World Health
Organization would want to develop a virus that would wipe out the human

their new virus creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible and
fatal infectious viruses could be made even more terrible and more
Does this strike you as being a peculiar goal for a health organization? 



Orange Orphans : 50 years on ,children  born  to many still suffer from
effects of EXPERIMENTAL U.S chemical weapons used in Vietnam, as do our


In the 1880s, in Hawaii, a California physician working at a hospital for lepers injected six girls under the age of 12 with syphilis.[6] In 1895, New York City pediatrician Henry Heiman intentionally infected two mentally disabled boys—one four-year-old and one sixteen-year old—with gonorrhea as
part of a medical experiment. A review of the medical literature of the
late 19th and early 20th centuries found more than 40 reports of
experimental infections with gonorrheal culture, including some where
gonorrheal organisms were applied to the eyes of sick children

U.S. ARMY doctors in the Philippines infected five prisoners with bubonic plague and induced beriberi in 29 prisoners; four of the test subjects died as a result. In 1906, Professor Richard Strong of Harvard University intentionally infected 24 Filipino prisoners with cholera, which had somehow
become contaminated with plague. He did this without the consent of the
patients, and without informing them of what he was doing. All of the
subjects became sick and 13 died.  

In 1908, three Philadelphia researchers infected dozens of children with tuberculin at
the St. Vincent's House orphanage in Philadelphia, causing permanent
blindness in some of the children and painful lesions and inflammation
of the eyes in many of the others. In the study they refer to the
children as "material used"

In 1911, Dr. Hideyo Noguchi of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research injected
146 hospital patients (some of whom were children) with syphilis. He
was later sued by the parents of some of the child subjects, who
allegedly contracted syphilis as a result of his experiments.

In 1941, at the University of Michigan, virologists Thomas FrancisJonas Salk and other researchers deliberately infected patients at several Michigan mental institutions with the influenza virus by spraying the virus into their nasal passages. 

Francis Payton Rous, based at the Rockefeller Institute and editor of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, wrote the following to Francis regarding the experiments:

"It may save you much trouble if you publish your paper... elsewhere than in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. The Journal is
under constant scrutiny by the anti-vivisectionists who would not
hesitate to play up the fact that you used for your tests human beings
of a state institution. That the tests were wholly justified goes
without saying."


 The Stateville Penitentiary was the site of a controlled study of the effects of malaria on the prisoners of Stateville Penitentiary near Joliet, Illinois beginning in the 1940s. The study was conducted by the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago in conjunction with the United States Army and the State Department.
At the Nuremberg trials, Nazi doctors cited the precedent of the
malaria experiments as part of their defense. The study continued at
Stateville Penitentiary for 29 years. In related studies from 1944 to
1946, Dr. Alf Alving, a professor at the University of Chicago Medical
School, purposely infected psychiatric patients at the Illinois State
Hospital with malaria, so that he could test experimental treatments on

In a 1946 to 1948 study in Guatemala, U.S. researchers used prostitutes to infect prison inmates, insane asylum patients, and Guatemalan soldiers with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases,
in order to test the effectiveness of penicillin in treating the STDs.
They later tried infecting people with "direct inoculations made from
syphilis bacteria poured into the men's 
penises and
on forearms and faces that were slightly abraded . . . or in a few
cases through spinal punctures". Approximately 700 people were infected
as part of the study (including 
orphaned children). 

In 1950, in order to conduct a simulation of a biological warfare attack, the U.S. Navy used airplanes to spray large quantities of the bacteria Serratia marcescens – considered harmless at this time – over the city of San Francisco. Numerous citizens contracted pneumonia-like illnesses, and at least one person died as a result.
family of the man who died sued the government for gross negligence,
but a federal judge ruled in favor of the government in 1981.
Serratia tests were continued until at least 1969.

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, for research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine. 

In 1952, Chester M. Southam, a Sloan-Kettering Institute researcher, injected live cancer cells into prisoners at the Ohio State Prison. Also at Sloan-Kettering,
300 healthy women were injected with live cancer cells without being
told. The doctors stated that they knew at the time that it might cause



this research, bio-effects of EM fields and beamed energy are used to
directly affect the central nervous system, with the goal of influencing
human behavior.



Dr. R. J. Biggar said in Lancet.

"...The AIDS agent... could not have originated de novo."

means in plain English that it didn't come out of thin air. AIDS was
engineered in a laboratory by virologist. It couldn't engineer itself.
As Doctor Strecker so colorfully puts it:

"If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a tuxedo, how did he get dressed? Somebody dressed him."
There are 9,000 to the fourth power possible AIDS viruses. (There are
9,000 base pairs on the genome.) So the fun has just begun.